Post-Winter Maintenance for Your Furnace

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Post-Winter Maintenance for Your Furnace

Post-Winter Maintenance for Your Furnace

With winter finally over (and we had quite the winter this year) what furnace maintenance should you do to ensure that your system will run smoothly next winter?

  • Change the Air Filter: Your furnace and air conditioner (if you have one) share the same ductwork. Changing the air filter in the spring will keep both systems clean and running smoothly.
  • Noises: A sudden, unfamiliar noise usually indicates a problem with your furnace. Even something that seems minor should be inspected by a licensed professional.
  • Keep the Area Clean: Keep the area around your furnace clean from dust and clear of clutter. Make sure that the registers are not blocked to ensure proper air flow.
  • System Performance: Did your system short-cycle (turn on and off rapidly)? Were your utility bills unusually higher than they were the previous winters? Were all of your rooms consistently warm enough?

HVAC Technician - furnace maintenanceWhy Maintenance for Your Furnace is Important

Furnaces have many parts including bearings, ignition system, motor, heater exchange, draft inducer and burner assembly. These parts have the potential to become worn and dirty over time. Regular maintenance can help your system last longer and perform better. 1-800-anytyme would be happy to assist you with a furnace tune-up. Contact us via our contact form or call (760) 477-0072 to speak with a member of our team today!

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