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1-800-anytyme Lennox Furnace

Nov 3 2020

What Happens When You Don’t Maintain Your Furnace

What Happens When You Don’t Maintain Your Furnace When something sits around unused for a long period of time it will obviously collect dust. When that something also involves a lot of internal mechanical parts, there is a chance that something will fail. Don’t wait until the first chilly night of the season to find […]
1-800-anytyme Running Toilet

Oct 20 2020

Why do I have a running toilet?

Why do I have a running toilet? The job of a toilet is simple: flush whatever is in the bowl and it’s done. However, problems will arise and one of those is the toilet not stopping. This is commonly referred to as a “running toilet.” There are several reasons why this happens. Flapper The flapper […]
tankless water heater

Oct 6 2020

What To Look For In A New Tankless Water Heater

What To Look For In A New Tankless Water Heater Hot water on demand! A tankless water heater can be a very attractive addition to your home. Some of the key points for these systems are: Endless Hot Water: The unit heats the water as it goes through the system and into your plumbing fixtures. […]
old water heater

Sep 22 2020

What To Look For In A New Tanked Water Heater

What To Look For In A New Tanked Water Heater Hot water is a luxury that we have come to rely on. A tanked water heater has a life expectancy of about 10 to 15 years. If your system is at least that old, it’s a very good idea to plan for a replacement in […]
1-800-anytyme Toilet

Sep 8 2020

Why is my toilet flushing on its own?

Why is my toilet flushing on its own? Toilets are not supposed to flush by themselves. If you start hearing your toilet flushing on its own, it’s time to investigate why. Here are some possible reasons: Flapper The toilet flapper opens when you flush and closes when the tank is done refilling. Flappers only last […]
Leaking Water Heater

Aug 25 2020

Why is my water heater leaking?

Why is my water heater leaking? Seeing your water heater leaking usually sends your heart sinking. There is never a good time to have plumbing issues but this isn’t always a serious problem. A leak can be caused by a variety of reasons. Pipes It is possible for the pipes that bring water in and […]
1-800-anytyme HVAC System

Aug 11 2020

What To Look For In A New HVAC System

What To Look For In A New HVAC System Whether your current heating and air conditioning system is on the brink of failure, starting to get old, or you would like something more energy efficient, research and knowledge are a good starting point. Below are some important factors to take into consideration when thinking about […]
1-800-anytyme running out of hot water

Jul 28 2020

Why do we run out of hot water so quickly?

Why do we run out of hot water so quickly? Imagine you are in the middle of a shower and suddenly you are standing underneath a stream of cold water. Worse yet, your hair is full of shampoo! What is causing your sudden less than relaxing shower? Why do you keep running out of hot […]
new a/c

Jul 14 2020

What to Look For in a New A/C

What to Look For in a New A/C Buying a major appliance can be a daunting task. Even if you are familiar with your current unit, buying a new A/C can still be overwhelming. Below are some of the important factors to take into consideration. SEER Rating Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) measures air conditioner […]
1-800-anytyme AC Outdoor Unit

Jun 30 2020

The Benefits of Air Conditioning

The Benefits of Air Conditioning We’ve all had those nights where we tossed and turned for hours because it was too hot to fall asleep. Too many nights of poor sleep result in exhaustion, irritation, poor work or school performance, and many other undesirable consequences. Read on to find more benefits of air conditioning. Better […]
clogged toilet drain to clog

Jun 16 2020

What is causing my drain to clog?

What is causing my drain to clog? We’ve all been there. We are cooking, showering, brushing our teeth, or washing our hands and the water starts to drain slowly or not at all. Sometimes it’s an easy fix; other times you have to call a professional plumber. Here are some common causes for a drain […]
1-800-anytyme air conditioner ready for summer

Jun 2 2020

Is your A/C ready for summer?

Is your A/C ready for summer? Everyone is ready for summer! After the stress and anxiety of the first half of this year, we all want to relax a bit and enjoy the summer. Before you do that, make sure you prepare your air conditioner and give it a tune-up. Do this before summer hits […]

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